Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What is wrong with him?!

Oh, Nicolas Sarkozy. What is WRONG with you? This is not how a head of state should behave!

First, he was drunk at the G8 conference:

He also walked out of a 60 Minutes interview in the US:

He insulted a guy at the Salon de l'Agriculture (the famous "casse-toi, pauvre con" incident)"

He totally swiped a pen while meeting with the President of Romania:

After which Angela Merkel totally called him out on it by presenting him with the pen - during the conversation, they explain that it was the same pen that Sarko had signed the documents with, and you hear the Germans being all, "Oh, do you um...collect...pens?" and Sarko is all, "Yes, I collect them."

And then, at a state dinner with Israel, he was totally checking out the cleavage of Bar Rafaeli, the Israeli model best known as Leonardo DiCaprio's arm candy:

Dude, that's not cool! Okay, maybe the first two incidents are sort of excusable. I mean, what with hanging out with Vladimir Putin, and he's probably a very sneaky guy and totally drank Sarko under the table, so he was really drunk by the time he came out for his press conference. And okay, so maybe he was miffed about being asked about his wife. But you don't insult your people by telling them to "get out, you stupid jerk"! And you don't swipe expensive pens at a press conference/official paper-signing ceremony with the president of another country! What, Sarko can't afford to BUY a nice pen, what with his salary hike and the fact that he doesn't pay any expenses??? And then ok, so maybe the Israeli model is hot and has crazy cleavage, and maybe she is so tall that her boobs are like, right at Sarko's eye level, but still, I mean, does he not KNOW that he's being filmed????

Hmmmph! Good going, France! And all you French people who keep making fun of me because I'm American and Bush is the president - shame on you! His antics are just as embarrassing, if not more so, than that time that Bush practically assaulted Angela Merkel by hugging her.

All I can say is that at least I managed to convince the H to turn in a blank ballot! The same cannot be said for my other in-laws, all of whom voted for Sarko only because they couldn't stand Ségolène Royal. Except for the SIL. She voted for Sarko because even though she can't stand him, she thought he was going to win and she said she "wanted to be on the winning team."

Don't even get me started on that one.

I sincerely hope that should Barack become the next president, he will not do anything to embarrass us in manner of Sarko (swiping pens, checking out boobs, being drunk, insulting passerby, marrying supermodel/wannabe singer who talks rather than sings), or Elliot Spitzer (involvement in prostitution ring).

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