Monday, December 3, 2007

DVD night

So, last night the H and I decided to rent a DVD from downstairs. Renting a DVD means that we end up browsing the store for about an hour before the two of us finally agree on something. (Though part of the delay is that the films don't seem to be organized in any specific order, so it takes a long time to figure out where, say, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 might be located. Which, by the way, we rented last week. It was good, despite the fact that neither of us really understood the plot).

H: Ooh! Look! Let's rent "Night At The Museum".
Me: Ugh, it looks so stupid!
H: What are you talking about? It's got Ben Stiller! He's funny. And look, all the animals and stuff in the museum come to life!
Me: How about "21 Grams"?
H: (skeptically) I don't know. It looks depressing.
Me: Ooh! How about "The Black Dahlia"? You like Scarlett Johanssen.
H: I don't know. It looks depressing. How come you don't want to rent "Night At The Museum"?
Me: It looks stupid! Anyway, it'll probably be on HBO when we go to NY for Christmas. Ooh! How about "Munich"? Remember, we wanted to rent that one like, last year, but there was never a free copy available?
H: (skeptically). I don't know. I don't like Mathieu Kassovitz. He's annoying.
Me: Oh, but it's Steven Spielberg! You know I like Steven Spielberg. You know, I think Steven and I would get along really well. Cause Steven is a WWII fan just like me.
H: I know, you told me a million times already.
Me: Come on! We might learn something from it. Like, all about the 1972 massacre of the Israeli athletes during the Olympics. In MUNICH.
H: (inspecting DVD cover) What movies has this Eric Bana person been in?
Me: Ummm. "The Incredible Hulk". I didn't see it though.
H: What other movies has he been in?
Me: I don't know. Lots. Eric Bana. He's kind of famous.
H: Uh, yeah, for being the Incredible Hulk, and that's it. I'm not convinced.
Me: You wanna rent "Just Like Heaven" with Reese Witherspoon?
H: Hmmm. Well, "Legally Blonde" was funny. But I don't know. It's got some Mark Ruffalo guy in it. What's he been in?
Me: Ummm. Oh! That movie where Gwyneth Paltrow becomes a flight attendant and he plays her boyfriend who goes to law school.
H: Okay. I guess we can rent "Munich". I don't know. It looks depressing. And it's got The Incredible Hulk.
Me: Yay! (grabbing "Munich" off the shelf). It'll be good - remember, we wanted to rent it last year?

PS: Munich was quite a good movie (though the H was outraged because it was a good 2 hours, 40 minutes long) and Eric Bana was also in "Troy" with Brad Pitt.

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