Monday, September 24, 2007

Totally creepy

Nicolas Sarkozy was interviewed by the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune.

Click here for the article and here for the interview excerpts.

Among the topics he discusses is France's return to the military command of NATO (but only if France has equal power as the US, and so long as the US meets all of France's conditions. I say, keep dreaming, because I think we are just fine without France!), France's role in Iran and Iraq (not very clear given the conflicting views with Bernard Kouchner), how much he loves America and is impressed by them, how the French just love America and are ever so grateful for liberating them in WWII (HA! Yeah right!), and he also name drops a bunch of times (he has met John McCain, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Barack Obama).

Apparently, he was also "perpetually in motion...his jaw muscles twitched...he cut off his interviewers in mid-sentence..." This merely serves to confirm my sneaking suspicion that the man is high on cocaine. I mean, seriously, how else can someone make like, 3 trips around the world in one day? And why is this guy EVERYWHERE all at the same time? The 8 PM French news every night should be renamed "What Sarkozy Did Today" because he is in EVERY SINGLE SEGMENT! A typical evening news is like this:
"Oh, no! There was a car accident in the middle of France! Good thing Sarkozy was there to comfort the families."
"Angela Merkel gave a speech in Germany....and Sarkozy was there!"
"There's a bunch of illegal immigrants living in a squat in the suburbs of Paris. Thank goodness Sarkozy was there to chat with them and imply that they should get the hell out of France."
"Oh, no! Another tsunami in Southeast Asia! Well, don't worry, because Sarkozy was there to assert that France would be there in their time of need."
"George W. Bush went jogging in Washington, D.C. today. And Sarkozy was right there, jogging alongside Bush and kissing his ass!"

The H and several of our Frenchie friends think that Sarkozy is all talk but no action. After all, as they assert, how can Sarkozy do anything, when all he does is spend his time chatting with journalists?

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