Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Grace Kelly and co.

Last night on France 3, there was a documentary about Princess Grace of Monaco.

At first I had a sneaking suspicion that the "royal family" of Monaco was trying to profit from the whole Remembering Princess Diana thing. Not to be mean, but let's face it - they just all seem really desperate for attention. (And the documentary was really irritating, what with its patronizing tone and going on and on about how great Grace Kelly was and how she helped Josephine Baker stage her comeback).

Anyway, I realized that Princess Grace actually died on September 14th, so the whole Remembering "Princess" Grace thing is coming up soon.

The H cannot stand the "royal family" of Monaco. He thinks they are not very credible royals, and I can't say I disagree.

However, the H pointed out the other day that they don't have much luck when trying to grab headlines - after all, poor Prince Rainier died around the same time as the Pope, so no one really paid attention to Prince Rainier's funeral, and probably no one showed up as they were all at the Pope's funeral. And then Princess Diana, a real royal and a beloved one at that, had to go and die right before Princess Grace's date of death, thus stealing her thunder.

Then Albert II was crowned Prince of Monaco and no one showed up for that either. Well, that's not true - there were lots and lots of people, but what I meant to say was that no one IMPORTANT showed up. I read in the New York Times about it and there were no heads of state nor any other real royals there - all the countries just sent their ambassadors and/or personal assistants. Poor Albert.

The H cannot stand Albert. As he has grumbled several times already, "why can't he just use a condom instead of going around making illegitimate children? Why is he so stupid?" He also cannot stand Stephanie: "She's even more stupid than Albert! She like, dated her bodyguard and some circus performer! She tried to launch a career as a singer! Everyone knows she was driving the car that went over the cliff."

Whatever. Everyone knows that Monaco is only important if you are in the money laundering business anyway.

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