Thursday, May 31, 2007

More Myths and Stereotypes

Some more myths and stereotypes:

- It is perfectly fine to confuse ethnic groups because they will not get insulted. Thus, the following are completely interchangeable:
- Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian
- Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Belarussian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Romanian, Uzbek, Azeri, Tajik, Georgian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian
- Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, German, Austrian, Icelandic
- Brazilian, Argentinian, Mexican, Colombian, Peruvian, Venezuelan, Dominican
- Irish, Scottish, English, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealand
- Moroccan, Tunisian, Algerian
- Indian, Pakistani, Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranian, Saudi, Turk
Everyone knows that they are all the same, and they know it too, which is why they won't get insulted. HOWEVER: if you confuse a French person with another nationality, then it is a very, very serious insult.
- America is the only country in the world that Americanizes names of foreigners. As everyone knows, Christopher Columbus's real name is actually "Christophe Colombe".
- Many Americans die every year from overdosing on vitamins.
- If a massage parlor employs Asian, African, or Eastern European women, then it is always a front for a bordello. Also, an "American Bar" is synonymous with strip club....everywhere in the world.
- All people from former French colonies in Africa do not despise the French, but deeply admire and love them. In fact, they long for the days when they were under French colonial rule, and regret being independent countries now.
- Dassault is the #1, most important manufacturer in the entire world of military aircraft. In fact, every single world power exclusively purchases Dassault equipment.
- Americans are all very stupid, loud, talkative, and annoying, yet the American government is behind every single conspiracy theory and/or conflict in the entire world.
- It is perfectly okay to criticize all other nationalities and countries, but it is completely unacceptable to criticize France.
- Everyone in the entire world wants to immigrate to France. In fact, France has the highest number of illegal immigrants in the entire world. This is because the world is full of admiration and longing for all things French.
- France is the only country in the world that makes decent wine and cheese. Everyone knows that Italian wine and cheese are totally subpar.
- Vegetarian = pointless and stupid; a fad diet invented by the Americans.
- France has made the most important contributions to society and culture and history as we know it today. They have totally contributed much more than the Belgians.
- The new French president Nicolas Sarkozy is reminiscent, in every possible way, of John F. Kennedy.
- There is no such thing as "lactose-intolerant".
- Every single food item in the U.S. is genetically modified and our favorite pastime is to inject hormones into everything.
- Everything in France is the same as everywhere else in the world. So things like peanut butter, Marmite, and naan bread don't really exist because no one really eats it in France.
- All British people are very pasty and pale, sunburn very easily, and are always starting bar fights when they vacation in other countries.
- Charles de Gaulle was a key figure during WWII because he totally came up with the idea of D-Day and was very very active and busy when he was "in exile" in London.
- Celine Dion may be from Quebec (and thus, technically a Canadian), but since she is one of the best-selling artists of all time and speaks Quebécois, this makes her French.
- George W. Bush is a stupid, inadequate president, yet he was smart enough to rig the U.S. elections twice and create a whole conspiracy theory where he ordered the attack of the World Trade Center so he could invade Iraq and steal their oil because everyone knows that the Bush family controls all the oil all around the world.
- French musicals (such as Les Misérables or Notre Dame de Paris) are huge hits and are performed all around the French.

1 comment:

Ksam said...

Oh man, some of these are classics! All though I don't think now is really the time to tell Fab what I was laughing out loud about, LOL.