Monday, May 14, 2007

Movies and stuff

It is so great, yet so strange, to be back home.

On Friday night I went to see Spiderman 3, which I highly recommend - it was a really great movie. I tried to convince my friends to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and Shrek 3 when they come out (all this month, while I'm in NYC) but no one wants to go, claiming that they can just watch the movies a few months later on HBO. I was highly disappointed, yet it all came rushing back to me why people would rather watch movies on HBO than go to the movies - we paid a hefty $11 for Spiderman 3. (And I didn't even book the tickets online, which usually adds a service charge of something like $1 per ticket). Unfortunately, we arrived in the theater for the 9pm show at 8:45 - and the only seats left were in the 1st and 2nd rows. So we ended up sitting in the 2nd row, all the way to the right, which meant that our heads were permanently in an awkward position looking way up and way to the right. Not a good way to spend $11, especially since I ended up with a major headache afterwards from watching all that crazy action in unbelievably fine, close-up detail.

Also, I watched the latest episode of Heroes on TV - which was great except for the commercials! I forgot all about them since in France they aren't as many commercials as in the US on TV. The worst part is that the commercial breaks always come at the most suspenseful moments - so you're left in a horrible, gut wrenching state of "oh my God! What's gonna happen???????!!!!". The good thing though, about commercial breaks is that you can totally run and get something to eat and go to the bathroom or check your e-mail or something.

Anyway, the time has gone by so incredibly fast - I know I have 2 more weeks here, but the first week felt like only 3 days! I sort of don't want to leave New York yet, but at the same time I can't wait to go back to Paris and the BF. Life is funny like that when you live in 2 places at once....

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