Thursday, May 17, 2007

Divine Sign?


Around noon, I received a phone call from a fashion headhunting agency, asking me if I happened to be looking for a job.

"Um....well...technically, yes, I am.....but not in New York....for now...."

The cheery woman over the phone suddenly sounded disappointed.

"Oh...really? Because we have lots of job opportunities available for someone with your type of resumé...."

(Me about to bang my head against the wall) "Well, the thing is, I'm not living in New York right now, though I am in fact in search of a job."

Cheery recruiter: "Oh, I see, you're living in Paris?"
Me (stiffly): "Yes".
Recruiter: "Oh, wow! You are so lucky!"
Me: "No, not really."
Recuiter (with surprise): "Really?"
Me: "Yeah"
Recruiter: "So, do you think you'll be living in New York anytime soon?"
Me: "Um....probably not til the end of the year? Maybe early next year?"
Recruiter: "Oh, I see, okay, so you're not looking for anything now."
Me (frantic): "Oh, but I am! Sort of..."
Recruiter: "Okay, well, here's my e-mail address, so you just send me an e-mail when you're ready."
Me (even more frantic): "Wait! Do you have like, freelance work?"
Recruiter: "Of course! We have all types of jobs for someone with your qualifications! Part-time, full-time, freelance..."
Me: (in desperation): "Do you have maybe something freelance that I could work on from Paris?"
Recruiter: "Erm, no. Sorry. That's just too complicated. No, we don't have any sort of long-distance type work. You really have to be living in New York."
Me: (in total defeat): "Oh. I understand. Well, I'll be sure to contact you when my plans are more definite."
Recruiter: "Okay, then. Bye!"

I mean, how weird is that? I don't even know how she got my cell phone number, and she happens to call me while I'm on vacation in New York? Is it just me or is it a sign???

UPDATE: Argh! I just got another phone call, this time from Air France/KLM asking me to do a paid survey...$175 cash, plus free lunch. I got a call from Air France several years ago asking me to do a paid survey too, which I did, and got paid $250 cash and it was so much fun! This time round, I won't be able to do it, because it's on June 4th, and I'll be all the way across the Atlantic in Paris. Damn it! If this isn't another divine sign, I don't know what is!!!!!!

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