Sunday, January 27, 2008

Home again

Yes, it's been awhile, but I have a decent excuse: I flew back to NY yesterday!

I was a bit apprehensive of flying Continental Airlines (as I had had a not so great experience with them several years ago) but I was quite surprised. For one thing, they have a BusinessFirst check-in counter, a regular check-in counter, and one for SkyTeam Elites, so I got to check in at the SkyTeam counter. It all took about 5 minutes, then the boarding went by very quickly as well. The flight took off right on time, the flight attendants were nice albeit pushy in that American fake-smiley/loud talking way, ("Sir, I need the aisles to be clear, so please make sure your children sit in their seats!") and I got my gluten free meal without a problem. An even better bonus was that the meal was not only gluten free, but it was also lactose free, which I do not recall requesting, but so much the better. The flight was quite turbulent, but we arrived in one piece, and my luggage were the first ones out on the baggage claim carrousel, so all in all, a good experience. Thumbs up for Continental Airlines!

Anyhow, while I get back into the groove here in NY, (plus, the US Figure Skating Championships are happening right now, and I am so happy to be able to watch quality figure skating, as opposed to the French National Championships, where their Senior level skaters are the equivalent of our US Novice level skaters) I leave you all to ponder this interesting article in the New York Times.


TJ said...

Welcome back! When are you coming to DC?

parisiannewyorker said...

Argh! Not til later this year! I'm flying back to Paris in a couple of weeks, then I come back permanently to NY in March and the H comes in April...but we will see you in London in a couple of weeks!