Wednesday, August 15, 2007

L'île de la tentation!

I have never seen the American version of Temptation Island, but here in France they have their own version called "L'île de la tentation" (which literally means "Temptation Island".

I have to admit, I find the French one to be lots of fun. Granted, every season is the same (although this is the first time that I will have watched the entire season), but it's still lots of fun.

The H and I sit and watch it every Tuesday evening and make snarky remarks about all the contestants. But it's also kind of painful the way they try to break up all the couples. On the other hand, all the contestants are kind of stupid, especially the guys. As the H pointed out, every season there are like 2 or 3 guys (out of the 4 couples) that crack within the first day by making out with one of hottie single girls, and then there is always that one guy that manages to not make out with anyone, but spends all his time complaining about being on the island. The girls always tend to stick together and spend the first few episodes being all glum and sad while the guys, as soon as they get to their island with the hotties, are totally into partying all night and engaging in some hardcore flirting.

Also, most of the girl contestants are there because "I still have doubts about my man, and I want to put our couple through this experience before I commit any further to our relationship." But the girls who say that are usually the ones with the creepy, cheating boyfriends, and I'm pretty sure that all these ladies already know it deep down, but need to be humiliated on TV in front of the entire country as confirmation.

After all, as I pointed out to the H, who agreed with me, if you need to go on "Temptation Island" to test your relationship, then there is already a huge problem going on.

Nevertheless, it's still lots of fun to watch.

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