Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Old people and children

Damn it! What is wrong with me? I keep forgetting that on Wednesdays, there is no school...hence when I managed to drag myself up to the Marché´St-Pierre, it was filled with stay-at-home moms dragging their children around, who were tearing up a storm all over the place, running and screeching and touching fabric with their grubby little hands.

I was very excited, though, because I managed to flag down a salesperson in only 10 minutes. The only problem was that some mom came up with her daughter and they hung around while the salesguy was cutting my fabric. Too bad the salesguy thought it necessary to entertain the kid, because in his distraction he didn't really fold my 2 meters of cheap polyester crepe - instead he sort of bunched it up and then proceeded to smush the fabric against the kid's face. I couldn't really see what he was doing exactly, since he turned his back to me while doing this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he was wiping the kid's nose with my fabric.

On the other spectrum, I love old people. They are full of such interesting stories from way back when and they are always willing to tell you all about them. But what is it about elderly people that makes them think that just because they're old, they can totally cut in front of you whenever they want? Hey, I am all for letting old people get on the bus or subway before me, and sometimes I will help old people cross the street, and I always try to give my seat to the elderly. But that doesn't mean that they can cut in front of me on line! I mean, it would be different if they asked me, something along the lines of "Excuse me miss, but would you mind terribly if I went ahead of you? I'm just so tired!" and then I would totally be all, "Of course not, ma'am. Go right ahead!" But the problem is, when old people cut in front of me, I feel really guilty about making a big scene and yelling "Hey, lady! The line starts back there!" Then you end up being the rude punk that just yelled at an old lady. Hmmmph. Just because the elderly are old and wise and have all sorts of interesting life experiences doesn't mean they can be rude, too.

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