Monday, February 4, 2008

The Wedding

So, here's the blurb in the NY Times about Sarko and Carla finally getting married.

The best part is the picture:

I can think of two possible scenarios when this picture was taken:
Sarko: Heh heh heh heh heh (evil laugh)! Awwwww yeeeeaaaah! I got me a trophy wife! Tom Cruise is the man! I mean, really, it is brilliant to make Carla sign a contract in blood...just like how Tom made Katie Holmes do it. What a brilliant move on my part! Now I can continue to take over the world! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! And they said I couldn't be president....OR have a hot wife! Now, where are my Ray-Bans? Oh, note to self: must get Botox shots...
Carla:..............?...............Do I get to go to India now?............
Carla: ....and I can totally redecorate the Elysée! I can have a music room, where I can work on my songs! And I will of course only get really good reviews on my albums, because I managed to marry this little Sarko person, and he's "friends" with all the important media moguls. Ha ha ha ha ha! My plan for world domination is complete! Everyone will look at Sarko and then look at me and realize that I am so much prettier! I shall be the new Hillary Clinton, only much better looking and with much better style! And now I will get full use of the National Credit Card with which I will promptly go and get Botox shots! Ha ha ha ha ha! (evil laugh) Now, let's see...I'm satin for the Elysée, breaks for the wealthy...oh, and I need some more couture gowns...
Sarko: Oh, Carla. You're so pretty.
Carla: Sarko! I said, don't touch me!

Plus, there was this great quote in the article from the mayor of the 8th arrondisement, who married Sarko and Carla:

"Clearly enjoying his sudden celebrity, Mr. Lebel added: “The bride was in white. She was ravishing as usual. But the bridegroom wasn’t bad either.”"

Translation: "Carla looked totally hot. She's so pretty. Sarko wore a Dior suit and made sure to put lifts in his Prada shoes, and also had a professional make-up artist try to cover up all those wrinkles and minimize the huge schnoz. But you know....there's only so much one can do."

Anyway, also in the New York Times Magazine this week is an interesting article about Bernard Kouchner.

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