Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Here's something funny - when I was a kid, no one had a birthday in February. Now that I'm older, I've discovered that EVERYONE has a birthday in February.

My birthday was fun. Calm, but fun. I had a "girl date" with my best friend. We had dinner at Risotteria and I indulged myself with a tapenade gluten free pizza with goat cheese, arugula, and garlic, then a slice of gluten free carrot cake. It was nice to have a girl date as this is something I miss living in France - as the H never ceases to point out, "In France, all girls hate each other and see other girls as their competition". In short, there is no concept of sisterhood over there.

Saturday night I met up with my 2 best friends and their significant others and we had sushi and then hit up a bunch of birthday parties. I wound up all the way in Brooklyn (I know) for the birthday party of A's friend, who just so happens to share the same birthday as me. I slept over at A's place in Brooklyn, and then on Sunday, we went out for brunch at Bubby's. It was interesting because we decided to try Bubby's in Dumbo, Brooklyn, as the one in TriBeCa is always mad crowded and you have to wait forever for a table. The Bubby's in Brooklyn is HUGE and you don't have to wait very long at all (in fact, we got a table right away). I had the Huevos Rancheros (though I was very upset as I used to always get the Eggs Benedict) and there were two really old French tourists sitting next to us. I thought they were kind of cute; they were both guys who were at least in their 70's and they ordered these giant hamburgers and even managed to eat them with their hands. They were reading their Guide Routarde of New York and discussing the history of the Brooklyn Bridge.

On Wednesday I fly back out to Paris, so I arrive there on Thursday afternoon. I'm a little apprehensive as there is supposed to be a strike by the air traffic controllers, so there is a chance that my flight might be late. Then on Saturday morning, the H and I are off to London for Politico's wedding, so that will be fun. I've finally decided to wear my black jersey Viktor & Rolf for H&M dress rather than my black DVF dress or the pink dress from the Place Where I Used To Work. The H&M dress is quite nice, though I just need a belt for it (as the belt that came with the dress is a piece of hideous shit) so I am currently in the midst of sewing up a white satin belt. Except I only just realized that I don't have enough interfacing to fuse both sides, so we'll see how it turns out. I'll try to post pics when I get back to Paris.

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