Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Grass is Always Greener...

While looking for jobs here in Paris, I do actually check out job listings in New York. And I've been feeling really frustrated lately, because all I see are posts for entry-level assistant designer jobs. I feel like they are calling out to me, with descriptions such as "overseas experience a plus", or "experience in luxury/high-end women's market". Hello! That is totally me!

Even more frustrating is that with all these job opportunities galore in New York, there are absolutely none whatsoever in Paris.

Obviously, by the time I manage to haul ass back to New York and really start looking for jobs, there will be NONE available in New York and TONS of options in Paris.


1 comment:

Ksam said...

They say "the grass is always greener"....but when it comes to job hunting in France vs the US, I think the US will win every time!