Saturday, September 27, 2008


H has finally decided to take a look at the blog and has taken extreme offense at what I have written over the past couple of years.

I should like to point out that while I may disagree with the point of view of my in-laws and perhaps that of many French people, I do appreciate the inside look into the French and quite enjoy the extreme cultural differences even if I do not agree with their outlook on things - life is all about learning, after all. I will also readily admit that some conversations and stories have been slightly exaggerated in order to provide a steady stream of laughs, but the H has failed to see the humor in this and believes that what I have written is cruel and insulting. This blog was originally intended to be a way to keep in touch with my friends overseas, and slowly became a (humorous, in my opinion!) outlook upon the cultural differences between France and America. Contrary to what the H may believe, I do not hate his family at all - I believe they are good people with good souls and hearts, and I am very sorry that he has taken this all in a negative light, despite the fact that I meant it to be comedic.

Therefore I will be taking a hiatus and I may or may not continue with this blog - the H will most likely not agree with anything else I may write about France and will probably moniter what I write - I do not believe that I will be happy not being able to express myself and I believe the H will take issue with everything I write, so perhaps the best solution may be to stop. I will have to ponder this issue in depth, so we'll see what will happen.

This has been quite an adventure and I have been grateful to have an outlet for my writing; indeed I have been grateful for everything I have experienced.


L said...

It's a shame if you have to give up blogging all together, but if that's the most diplomatic option you have, then that's it. Maybe a different blog in the future? I would say "How can your husband monitor what you write!; you have a right to your own opinions and to write about them!" but it's not so easy. While the blog may be difficult for him to read, he's also not obligated to read it. He can ignore it completely. And as long as his family doesn't read it...But ponder as you must, there's no automatic answer.

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed your take on life over there; in my years in France I kind of got used to the opinions and ideas of my in-laws. You've made me laugh more than once.

One option would be to create a password-protected blog. I have done that in order to be able to write about things I don't want my ex to read.

Hope you find a solution soon!

parisiannewyorker said...

Re: L's commen - YES! I pretty much said the same thing! I was all, "It's not meant to be offensive but if you take offense at it, then don't read it and stop "monitoring" me!" I don't know, (French?) guys are weird.

Re: Alison - When I first started the blog, it was password protected, but it's going to be kind of complicated perhaps for people I might not know who want to read the blog.

Anyway, I'll see what happens. In any case, I'm not sure I will completely give up blogging as I really do find it to be a nice outlet for my thoughts and ideas and writing (much easier than writing in a journal). In any case, I probably won't be blogging too much in the future about funny French Family Stories if only because I don't see them very often anymore; plus work is starting to get a little busy and I'm still getting used to how things are done at the New Company.

So I might just be back again in the near future...

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Oh, I hope you'll keep writing! You are really a talented writer, very funny. Especially dialog!

Sorry for the late comment. Francetélécom jacked me and left me without internet for 4 weeks.

Stacy said...

Just came across your blog (been indulging my nostalgia after leaving Paris 3 months ago) and this hit close to home. I don't know if its French men ;o) but I was in the exact same situation earlier this year... my "H" found my blog (in my version, my blog was a guarded secret) and was really angry with me over it-- it was quite the blowout. My blog also started as a journal for friends back home and evolved into a fun (sometimes slightly embellished) account of my Parisian adventure... I also struggled with shuttering the blog but in the end, decided to continue it but just be more conscious of how I portrayed him. And I made him swear to stop reading it! I didn't want to hurt him but I didn't want to stop capturing the memories either... the blog was about me, for me, not him. Anyway, I hope you can find a common ground!